Tecniospring INDUSTRY
The talent program of ACCIÓ Tecniospring INDUSTRY offers 100% economical adjustments to businesses that are operational in Catalonia and to TECNIO entitlements to hire personnel from R + D experiential of any nationality. The contrasts have a duration of two years to develop applied research projects oriented to technology transfer.
There are two different financial aids:
Entry: Incorporation of personnel from R + D to companies operating in Catalonia and to TECNIO entitlements for 2 years.
Sort and Return: The first any, incorporation of personnel R + D in technological centers, universities or departments R + D of companies from all countries. In the case of any, the return of personnel from R + D to companies operating in Catalonia and to TECNIO companies.
Financial Aids:
• Salary cost (Social Security included): Entry: € 58,500 per any. Sort and Return: € 58,500 per any (multiply per correction factor according to the country of destination)
• Research cost: € 18,240.
• Mobility cost: € 1,920.
More information about the program at www.tecniospring.com. You can also contact tecniospring.accio@gencat.cat