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The 2014 Festival of Science, Technology and Innovation, organized by the Barcelona City Council Culture Institute, will take place on 4, 5, 14, 15 and 20 June. Once again, the Festival aims to bring science to the people, with special emphasis this year on the relationship between research and business.

Wednesday 4th June the festival will be inaugurated at the Saló de Cent of the Barcelona City Council. Andrea Ferrari, executive president of the research initiative Flagship Graphene, will present the event.

Thursday 5 June, a session entitled “Research and business: collaborating to compete better” will be held at Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHUB), with stakeholders sharing their experiences, presenting successful cases of technology transfer and business innovation and discussing challenges shared by companies and research organizations, like attracting investment.

The Festival of Science, Technology and Innovation will be found on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 at Ciutadella Park in Barcelona. The space will once again become a laboratory with participative activities to bring this knowledge to the people, as well as discussing and presenting projects born out of research-business joint ventures.

On Friday 13 June, the festival will come to a close at the Parliament of Catalonia, presenting examples of knowledge transfer and inviting representatives from research and business to share their ideas to improve collaboration among stakeholders.

Dates: 4, 5, 14, 15 and 20 June

: Saló de Cent, DHUB Barcelona, Parliament of Catalonia and Ciutadella Park (Barcelona)

More information is available on the Festival of Science, Technology and Innovation official website. 

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