ACC1Ó trade mission to technology parks in China
Catalan businesspeople will be able to visit technology parks in Guandong, one of the areas with the most significant economic development.

ACC1Ó is organizing a trade mission to China, motivated by CEO Josep Moragas’ visit to this country, invited by the Guangdong provincial government. The mission will be from 25 to 30 March 2012 and aims to reaffirm economic and commercial cooperation between Catalonia and China, more specifically with the province of Guangdong. The capital, Guangzhou, is the second most important port in Southern China (not far from Hong Kong).
Participating companies—both those with commercial interests and those carrying out specific investment projects in this country— will have their own customized agenda of business contacts.
The most important technology parks in the area are:
- Guangzhou Development District: medicine and biomedicine, chemical products and materials, electronic machinery and products.
- Shenzhen Special Economic Zone—High-Tech Industrial Park: pharmaceuticals, technology research and innovation, communication equipment.
- Foshan: ICT services, environment, textile, synthetic leather, clusters related to metalwork, plastics, electronics and chemicals.
- Zhuhai Special Economic Zone: ICT services, energy, petrochemicals, precision instruments and yacht construction.
- Dongguan: biotechnology, optoelectronics, ICT services and new technology.
More information is available in the ICEX document Parques tecnológicos e industriales del Sur de China (Industrial and technology parks in Southern China).
Total approximate cost is €1,960 per person (VAT included, after 50% subsidy of travel and agenda costs). This includes:
- Individual work agenda: €1,180
- Flights and accommodation (four nights at the Sheraton Hotel in Guangzhou): €780
Catalan companies interested in participating should send this form, before 27 January 2012, to: ACC1Ó • Victoria Sáenz ( or Empar Masiá ( • Tel. +34 93 484 96 14