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IQS is now building the largest laboratory in Spain for university biotechnology studies. The laboratory is being built to use as part of the Biotechnology degree launched in the 2013-1014 academic year and is expected to be inaugurated in September.

In this lab, 60 students will be able to work at the same time, allowing each student to devote an average of 3 hours per day to laboratory exercises. This is an important part of the IQS teaching model of applying what they learn in the classroom.

"Many traditional chemical and pharmaceutical companies (meaning those whose processes are 100% chemical based) are now incorporating biotechnology processes or have been totally reinvented to become biotechnology companies. This change that is now underway means there is a need for trained specialists in these companies,” explains Dr. Regull, general director of IQS. "The new bioengineering studies are geared towards a sector that is highly dynamic in launching new processes and products, which foster the creation of new business activities based on new scientific knowledge,” concludes Dr. Regull.

The new facilities will have latest generation instruments and equipment, contributed in part by JP Selecta, a company that specializes in laboratory equipment. In total, there will be more than 300m2 of space for training in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell cultures and bioassays, bioprocesses and biotechnology for health.

More information is available in the press release.




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