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There has been an explosion of biomedical data over the past decade. Day after day, researchers, healthcare professionals and patients generate data through genome sequencing, high-resolution imaging devices, electronic clinical records and, even, health-monitoring apps for mobile devices. Handling this avalanche of information is an overwhelming task. Making use of biomedical big data easy and intuitive is one of the greatest challenges currently facing biosciences researchers.

However the ability to collect, store, organize, integrate, analyze and share biomedical big data is also an opportunity to improve. Thanks to data handling, we can better understand the cycle of a disease and expand data transfer to clinical applications with the resulting improvements to detecting, diagnosing, treating and preventing disease.

B·Debate and Bioinformatics Barcelona (BiB), along with the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), are holding a scientific debate entitled Big Data in Biomedicine. Challenges and Opportunities on 11 and 12 November 2014. This debate aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for experts in informatics and bioinformatics, as well as scientists and biomedical professionals.

On 11 November, a multidisciplinary panel of world-renowned experts will debate issues related to big data in the context of biomedical research and health, including the necessary facilities and social aspects, among others. After the debate session, on 12 November, there will be an open symposium featuring some of these experts, who will present the most important initiatives currently being carried out in this arena and the conclusions of the debate session. The symposium is geared towards researchers and professionals from fields like bioinformatics, medical informatics and other disciplines related to the health and life sciences.

Additionally, taking advantage of this debate held in Barcelona, the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and the UK Trade and Investment Office in Barcelona (UKTI), with collaboration from Biocat, are holding a networking event on 12 November. The event, called EMBL-EBI & UKTI Barcelona Networking Reception: Leveraging Biological Infrastructure for Industry, gives participants the chance to learn and to network with organizations and companies based in the United Kingdom that are world leaders in leveraging biological infrastructure for industry (invitation only).


Date: 11 and 12 November

Place: CaixaForum · Avda. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 6-8 · Barcelona



More information is available on the B·Debate website

Follow the debate on Twitter with the hashtag #BDebate and at @BDebate.

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