Biocat organizes 'Biomaterials: from bionics to regeneration and advanced therapies'
The session objective is to bring to light the potential and growth opportunities of biomaterials in the area of medical applications.

Biocat organizes the workshop Biomaterials: from bionics to regeneration and advanced therapies with the collaboration of CIBER-BBN and the Biomedical Engineering Research Center (CREB). It will take place next 20th October in Barcelona.
Which materials will the prostheses of the future will be made of? Will the implantable microchips be reabsorbed? Will they bring us new functionalities which today are not typical of the human body? How will the nanotechnology affect its development?
From tissue elimination and replacement to tissue regeneration advanced therapies.
Within this session, researchers, employers and other bioengineering professionals, medical technologies and similar sectors will bring light to the potential and growth opportunities of biomaterials in the area of the medical applications:
- Dr. Josep A. Planell, director – Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)
- Dr. Salvador Borrós, Materials Science Laboratory, Head of Department- Institut Químic de Sarrià (IQS-URL)
- Dra. Montserrat Charles-Harris, Operations Manager – Neos Surgery
- Dr. Norberto Manzanares, member of the Scientific Committee – UPC Chair Klockner® Implant System
- Dra. Begoña Castro, Scientific director – Histocell
- Dr. Xavier Gil, director of the Group of Biomaterials and Biomechanical and Engineering of Tissues – CREB – and vice-chancellor of scientific Policy – UPC
- Dr. José Carlos Rodríguez Cabello, director of the Group Bioforge – CIBER-BBN
The event is addressed to medical technologies and biotech companies, research centers, scientific and technological parks and technological transfer units of Catalan universities.
Date: 20 October 2010
Time: de 9.30 am a 2 pm
Place: Museu Colet • C/ Buenos Aires, 56 • Barcelona
Free registration. Limited capactiy.
Please confirm assistance, before 18th October, to:
Laura Rogel (Innovation Department) • Tel. +34 93 310 33 89
- Related news (22/11/2010)
- Press release in Spanish (19/10/2010)
With the support of: