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Researchers from the Biomed division of the Leitat technology center and the University of Barcelona (UB) Faculty of Pharmacy Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department have discovered a new therapy to treat pancreatic cancer in preclinical trials. The study shows that blocking communication between cancer cells and their surroundings leads to three key phenomena in tumor development: migration of the cells that coat the inside of the blood vessels (endothelia) is stopped, tumor growth is curbed, and the appearance of new vessels that can deliver nutrients to the tumor is limited.

The new therapy focuses on the action of an antibody that blocks the S100A4 protein, which plays a key role in the evolution of this type of cancer. The monoclonal antibody interferes in tumor communication, thus making this biological therapy a candidate for clinical development. Lykera Biomed, a start-up created at Leitat and headed up by Dr. Francesc Mitjans, will produce the antibody. Mitjans believes that "the strategy of blocking the S100A4 protein in pancreatic cancer and other types of tumors may begin regulatory safety studies in 2014".

ACCIÓ and the National Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research Plan have provided funds for the research. The results obtained have been published this month in the journal PLoS ONE and will be presented at the prestigious European Cancer Congress (ECCO), from 27 September to 1 October in Amsterdam.

Created in 2008, the Biomed division of Leitat focuses on cancer diagnosis and treatment from their headquarters at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB).

Hernández JL, Padilla L, Dakhel S, Coll T, Hervas R, et al. (2013) Therapeutic Targeting of Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis with a Novel Anti-S100A4 Monoclonal Antibody. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072480

More information is available on the PCB website.

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