Brian Stemme of BioCrossroads, one of the top five bioclusters in the United States, to visit Barcelona
BioCrossroads, under the Obama administration’s innovation strategy, has developed a life sciences sector with a $50,000 millions impact on the regional economy in Indiana.

By Biocat
Innovation clusters have become a successful practice in the United States to boost economic growth on a local level. A good example of this is BioCrossroads in Indiana, an initiative that promotes one of the top five US life sciences clusters with an economic impact of $50,000 millions, venture capital investment of $64,700 millions, 55,000 workers and more than 50% of the state’s university research focusing on this field.
Given the importance of the biotechnology and biomedicine sector in Catalonia, BioCrossroads Project Director Brian Stemme will visit Barcelona on 9 and 10 April, invited by the United States Consulate in collaboration with Barcelona Activa and Biocat. During his stay, Stemme will meet with various companies, hospitals and benchmark research bodies. Additionally, he will give a conference on 9 April at 6 pm at Barcelona Activa, explaining new strategies employed in US clusters to foster innovation, business opportunities in Indiana, the role BioCrossroads plays in growing the sector and how collaborative relations are generated with the rest of the stakeholders in both the public and private sectors.
The case of BioCrossroads falls under the framework of the strategy for innovation in the US proposed by the Obama administration in September 2009. Specifically, regional innovation clusters —which bring together the private sector, public bodies, research centers and universities— aim to become a platform for economic growth based on innovation, sectorial specialization to gain competitiveness, collaboration between private companies and research centers for knowledge transfer and exploring new funding methods as alternatives to public financing.
Follow Brian Stemme’s visit on Twitter @USConsulateBCN with the hashtag #innovationcluster
Press release (4 April 2013)
Business Development Department
Carlos Lurigados (Head of Entrepreneurship and Business Growth)
Tel. +34 93 310 33 89