Call open for two Daniel Bravo-Andreu Foundation grants for stays abroad to do biomedical research
Members of the scientific community in Catalonia may submit applications through 15 June

The 2014 call for the Daniel Bravo-Andreu Foundation grants for three- to six-month stays abroad is now open, geared towards the scientific community in Catalonia. The deadline to submit applications is 15 June.
Applicants must have a BSc (llicenciatura or grau) or a PhD and must provide a letter of recommendation from their mentor or head researcher at their center along with the application form. This year the grant will go to fund projects in cardiovascular research (adult and pediatric).
The two applicants selected will be able to choose the hospital, university or institute in the United States or Europe where they want to do their research stay abroad. They will receive a stipend of €3,000 per month, as well as travel expenses.
In order to select the two people who will receive these grants, the Daniel Bravo-Andreu Foundation has set up an external assessment group. This group will evaluate the scientific quality and career of the applicant, of the mentor and the center where they work, and of the project proposed and the destination institution.
More information is available on the Daniel Bravo-Andreu Foundation website.
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