CDTI launches two new financial aid instruments
The aid is for Spanish companies with technology-based business in the USA

The Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) has launched two new financial aid instruments to help Spanish companies with technology-based business in the United States.
International technology cooperation projects with unilateral certification and monitoring by the CDTI
The CDTI offers financial aid for bilateral technology cooperation projects between Spain and the USA that include privileged financing and a non-reimbursable part for the Spanish partner in the joint venture.
The project, lasting between 12 and 36 months, must be carried out by official international consortia with at least one Spanish company and foreign partners, outside the framework of the Multilateral and Bilateral programs the CDTI already has underway.
Spanish companies with an idea for a project may submit applications between 27 May and 10 September 2014.
More information is available on the R&D&i internationalization page on the CDTI website.
Global innovation line (LIG)
The LIG is a privileged line of financing for projects to invest in innovation and incorporate innovative technology to grow and internationalize companies that carry out their activities in Spain, both at facilities located in Spain and abroad.
To apply, companies must use the online project application on the CDTI electronic headquarters.
More information is available on the R&D&i internationalization page on the CDTI website.