Center for Genomic Regulation leads two alliances of European biomedical research centers
They will work to boost visibility of European science and excellence to retain and attract talent and will share cutting-edge science platforms and equipment.

By Biocat
The Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) has kicked off two European alliances with the aim of improving excellence in research, influencing decisions regarding scientific policy in Europe and sharing knowledge. Additionally, quality parameters and strategies for the future will be established to train researchers and optimize resources. The alliances, which were created with the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), based in the Belgian city of Ghent, are called EU-Life and Core for Life.
EU-Life aims to foster excellence to retain local and attract foreign talent. As CRG Director Dr. Luis Serrano explains, we aim to "raise awareness of European science. Instead of working independently, we want to coordinate our efforts to create added value for Europe." We are also proposing "common standards for PhD and postdoctoral recruitment and training programs, and to organize joint scientific events for young scientists," explains Serrano.
The members of the alliance come from renowned centers and want to coordinate efforts to create value added in Europe. Among others, noteworthy centers participating include Institut Curie in France and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Germany.
The Core for Life alliance will identify the most appropriate practices and procedures to export new technology, share equipment and services with the rest of the institutes, and to foster dialog among European and national bodies to find funding for science platforms. It is also led by the CRG and VIB, and includes among other partners the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) in Germany and the Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) in Switzerland.
This is really good news for the Catalan biotechnology sector. The CRG is a world-renowned center and their direct involvement in these two alliances will strengthen Catalan presence in science on a European level. Together with Biocat, the CRG is one of the 10 European partners in the ETTBio project, which focuses on increasing regional innovation capacity and identifying good practices in biotechnology transfer.
More information is available on the CRG website.