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Today ACCIÓ and AGAUR hosted the Connect-EU conference focusing on R&D in Catalonia and specifically on the research, growth and innovation opportunities available for Catalan organizations participating in the European Union’s new framework program, Horizon 2020.

The main aims of the event were to provide a global overview of the R&D possibilities the EU offers and to promote networking among attendees and representatives of the European Commission and the CDTI.

Biocat CEO Montserrat Vendrell presented the session entitled "Leading large-scale initiatives and EIT-KICs", during which she discussed the work that has been carried out since 2008 to promote Catalan participation in various bids for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) KICs (Knowledge and Innovation Community). Biocat is currently co-leading, with the Health University Barcelona Campus (HUBc), work on the bid for the KIC in Innovation for Healthy Living and Active Aging. The EIT expects to open the call for this KIC and select the winner in 2014. This work group also includes IESE and the "la Caixa" Foundation. Biocat is also part of the work group promoting Catalan participation in the bid for the Food4Future KIC  – sustainable supply chain from resources to consumers, the call for and selection of which the EIT has announced will take place in 2016.


More information is available on the conference website.

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