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By Biocat

After a rigorous application process, Biocat has selected the 12 fellows who will start Design Health Barcelona (d·HEALTH Barcelona) this fall. The first class in the program is composed by 12 promising young health transformers coming from the US, Germany, Italy and Spain and with backgrounds in design, engineering, economics and biosciences.

During the application period more than 200 people showed interest in Moebio’s flagship program, the training initiative of Biocat to foster innovation, entrepreneurship and professional development in the biomedical field.

"We are very pleased because we received candidates with very high profiles, researchers with several papers published in high impact factor journals, senior officials of pharmaceutical companies, young engineers who have developed telemedicine projects in the Amazon, etc. The selected fellows, all together, have 105 scientific publications, 6 patents and 18 professional awards," says Design Health Barcelona’s Head of Academics Jorge Juan Fernández and director of E-Health & Health 2.0 at Sant Joan de Déu Hospital.

The first edition of Design Health Barcelona will start in September 16th. In the program, real needs from hospital settings will become the foundation for new technologies to improve quality of patient care.

d·HEALTH Barcelona has the support of leading companies in the pharmaceutical sector, including Sanofi, of consultant firms in the technology sector such as Accenture, as well as of public agencies such as AGAUR that have enabled Biocat to give to the fellows scholarships that cover 50% of tuition and, exceptionally, the 100% of the cost of the program.

The opening event of d·HEALTH Barcelona will take place on 13 September, at 9:30 am at the Mobile World Center in Barcelona. Dr. Josep Amat, professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, will be the keynote speaker. He will talk about "Innovation from hospitals: experiences as an entrepreneur at the intersection of robotics and medicine."

Follow d·HEALTH Barcelona on Twitter at @moebiobarcelona with the hashtag #dHEALTHBcn.

Questions: Moebio • Tel. +34 93 310 33 30 •

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