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The debate entitled Com finanço el meu projecte?(How do I fund my project?) will be held on Thursday 15 May in the Aula Fèlix Serratosa at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB). This event aims to create a space for participants to share opinions and experience regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the current private funding options: Family, Friends & Fools (FFF), Business Angels, Venture Capital, Licensing and the Alternative Stock Market (MAB).

The event is divided into two sessions. The first is an introductory panel discussion in which the five experts, each specializing in one of the current private funding options, will explain their point of view. The second session will be an open debate, after which there will be a question and answer session so participants can clear up any doubts or concerns they may have.

The panel discussion, moderated by PCB Coordinator of Networking and Marketing Ignasi Heras, will feature: Jaume Amat i Riera, founding partner and CEO of BioEmprèn; Pere Merino, president of the Hope Projects Foundation; Alex Casta, investment analyst at Caixa Capital Risc; Andres G. Fernandez, director of Ferrer Advanced Biotherapeutics, the Biotechnology Research Division of Ferrer Internacional; and Enric Marfà, partner at the Estratelis Advisor firm, specializing in financial markets.

Date: 15 May 2014

: 12:00 pm
Place: Barcelona Science Park (PCB) • Torre D • Sala Fèlix Serratosa • C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10 • Barcelona

More information is available on the PCB website.

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