Government opens consultation on Catalonia’s strategy for smart specialization
The European Commission requires this document to be eligible for funding between 2014 and 2020. Health sciences is one of the key sectors included in RIS3CAT.

By Biocat
The Catalan government wants to get feedback from companies, research centers and other organizations with links to R&D&i on the working paper on Catalonia’s smart specialization strategy (RIS3CAT), created with the support of a group of experts in research, innovation and the productive fabric following the methodology recommended by the European Commission. For this reason, they have opened a public online consultation through 27 September. Participants can respond to the survey anonymously and on their own behalf or that of an organization.
In order to access European funds in the 2014-2020 period, the EU has required that governments create regional innovation strategies for smart specialization (RIS3) with the aim of bringing greater coherence to investment in research and innovation and optimizing its impact on economic and social development. In order to tackle long-term challenges like global competitiveness, climate change and the ageing population, the aim is for member states and regions to achieve growth that is smart (based on knowledge and innovation), sustainable (making efficient use of resources and respecting the environment) and integrative (generating employment and ensuring social and territorial cohesion).
RIS3CAT is structured into four key focal points: leading sectors, emerging clusters, transversal facilitative technology and improvements to the innovation arena. The leading sectors focal point includes food, health industries, and energy, among others, and transversal facilitative technology includes ICT, nanotechnology, biotechnology, photonics, and advanced materials and manufacturing.
The document being put to public consultation, thus, defines the strategic framework under which the government will carry out specific actions and programs between 2014 and 2020, in line with the innovative potential and capacities, and encompasses:
- An analysis of the distinctive features of the Catalan economy and, in particular, the challenges and opportunities of the productive and research and innovation systems.
- The Catalonia 2020 vision and structure of RIS3CAT.
- Evidence of the technology and sectors on which the definition of smart specialization is based.