Horizon of research in Europe
The European Parliament seeks dialog between MEPs and representatives of the scientific community, with a meeting in Barcelona on 18 January.

By Biocat
Only 363 days remain until the launch of the Horizon 2020 program, the substitute for the 7th Framework Program (7FP) that will work to tackle social, industrial and excellence-related challenges in the field of innovation and knowledge in the EU from 2014 through 2020.
In a key moment in which the Parliament and Council are debating the European Commission’s proposal for this program, the Office of the European Parliament in Barcelona and the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) are organizing a debate forum entitled The future of research in Europe: Horizon 2020 on 18 January. This event aims to facilitate dialog between members of the European Parliament and significant figures from the scientific community on the future of research in Europe. The event will be inaugurated by Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation Carmen Vela, and Catalan Minister for Economy and Knowledge Andreu Mas-Colell.
MEP Teresa Riera will kick off the program of talks focusing on the strategy and needs of the Horizon 2020 program. Afterwards, the first debate session will be held, entitled The challenge of producing new knowledge in Europe and the future of the 2014-2020 framework program with Carlos Andradas, president of the Confederation of Spanish Scientific Societies (COSCE); Oscar Marín, research fellow at the Alicante Institute of Neurosciences-CSIC; and Catherine J. Cesarsky, high commissioner of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). The second session, Research and enterprise from a European standpoint, will feature Montserrat Vendrell, CEO of Biocat; Amparo Moraleda, CEO of the ALBA Corporation Group March; and Josep Castells, president of the IUCT.
The event will finish up with the sessions Why must Europe be a leader in R&D? by José Mariano Gago, president of the Experimental Particle Physics Laboratory (LIP) in Lisbon, and Research in times of crisis, with Octavi Quintana, director of the European Commission’s European Research Area.
Biocat is collaborating on this debate forum as it falls under the theme of a future European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC). In this sense, Biocat is working to coordinate workgroups for the two Catalan KIC bids in innovation for healthy living and active ageing and in food for the future (Food4future) with the HUBc and the IRTA, respectively.
The event will feature simultaneous translation into English, Spanish and Catalan.
- Program
- Registration (free)
Office of the European Parliament in Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 272 20 44
Date: 18 January 2013
Time: 9 am to 2 pm
Venue: PRBB • C/ Dr. Aiguader, 88 • Barcelona (map)