ICREA to hire 15 senior researchers in Catalonia
Applications, open to the international scientific community, must be submitted electronically before 6 May.

By Biocat
The Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), headed up by Dr. Jaume Bertranpetit, has opened the 2013 call for proposals with 15 senior researcher positions in universities and research centers of excellence in Catalonia. Applications must be submitted on the ICREA website before 6 May. Last year, ICREA offered 20 researcher positions, for which they received 210 applications from 28 countries.
The minimum requirements to opt for one of these positions is a PhD, preferably prior to 2009, and four years of proven international experience at the pre-doctoral or postdoctoral level. They will only consider candidates that submit a record of research of excellence and leadership abilities, as these scientists will have to be active members making substantial contributions in their areas of study and having a significant impact on the Catalan research system. Successful candidates will be offered a permanent contract with ICREA.
The top-notch research carried out by ICREA researchers can be seen year after year in the European Research Council (ERC) grants. In 2012, five starting grants and two advanced grants from the ERC went to ICREA researchers. However, in total there are 49 ICREA researchers carrying out projects with this European funding.
ICREA is a foundation promoted by the Government of Catalonia and governed by a Board of Trustees. They currently employ 234 researchers in highly varied specialties: 30% in life sciences and medicine, 27% in experimental sciences and mathematics, 10% in social and behavioral sciences, 17% in the humanities, and 16% in technology and engineering. The average age is 48 years old.