Medical technology is one of the so-called motors of innovation. Thus, the next 22@Update Breakfast, organized by 22@Barcelona on 18 March, will analyze the innovative applications and business opportunities this sector offers.
The general manager of the Banc de Sang i Teixits, Dr. Ramon Pau Pla Illa, will introduce this organization –one of the most unique and dynamic in the Catalan healthcare system– and speak about the alliances they are forging with universities, research institutes, science societies and ICT companies to develop innovative projects. Afterwards, a representative from Aifos Solutions will explain an innovative solution that makes managing a blood bank more efficient, based on RFID technology, which is already being used in the healthcare sector.
8.30 am Networking breakfast
8.45 am Welcome
Mr. Jordi William Carnes, deputy mayor in charge of Finance and Economic Promotion for the Barcelona City Council and president of 22@Barcelona
8.50 am Introduction
Mr. Josep M. Piqué, managing director of 22@Barcelona
8.55 am Update: The Blood and Tissue Bank, a unique and innovative company
Dr. Ramon Pau Pla Illa, general manager of the Blood and Tissue Bank
9.20 am 22@ Innovator of the month: How can a small company collaborate in developing innovation in large organizations?
Mr. Joan Xiol, CEO of Aifos Solutions
9.45 am Closing
Dr. Manel Balcells, president of the Biocat Executive Committee
9.50 am Networking coffee
To see a list of those who have signed up and allowed their data to be published, click here.
Date: 18th march 2010 ?
Time: 8.30 am to 10 am ?
Place: Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) • C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88 • Barcelona ?
More information: Tel. +34 93 419 19 86
Please confirm attendance.