By Biocat
On 25 November, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York, a global benchmark in cancer research, announced that Joan Massagué had been named the new director of the Sloan-Kettering Institute, the MSKCC research institute. Massagué (Barcelona, 1953) is a world-renowned authority for his contributions to understanding the molecular mechanisms of cancer and metastasis. Associated with Sloan-Kettering since 1989, he has led the Cancer Biology and Genetics program since 2003 and now the New York-based center has put him in charge of all scientific research. From this new position, he will manage 120 research groups with approximately 1,200 researchers and a budget of $400 millions.
Joan Massagué is also closely liked to the IRB Barcelona. He laid the groundwork, along with director Joan J. Guinovart, to found the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and was named deputy director from its founding in 2006. Dr. Massagué’s current functions at the IRB focus on advising the center on how to best manage its scientific potential, helping boost quality of research, identifying and attracting new scientific resources and leaders, and strengthening institutional relations with the local and international arena.
More information on the MSKCC website.