Laboratoris Rubió, committed to research, acquires 30% of Biosfer Teslab biotech firm
The two companies will co-develop a cardiovascular diagnostic test

Laboratoris Rubió, which specializes in low-prevalence therapeutic solutions, has acquired 30% of biotech start-up Biosfer Teslab in order to boost development of a test to predict cardiovascular risk, which is the only one of its kind in Europe.
Biosfer Teslab, a spin-off of Rovira i Virgili University (URV) and the Pere Virgili Institute for Health (IISPV), has consolidated its position with the creation of its first product, the Liposcale test. The company has received an initial investment of more than half a million euros form Laboratos Rubió to carry out the final phase of development on this product and to market it, which is expected for 2016. Catalan multinational corporation Laboratoris Rubió will have exclusive rights to the European market and preferential rights for the rest of the world.
Liposcale is an advanced lipoprotein test that calculates the size and concentration of the particles that transport LDL cholesterol. Based on magnetic nuclear resonance technology, it will help healthcare professionals better assess cardiovascular risk in high-risk patients (those with diabetes, obesity, other metabolic disorders, etc.). Many people can suffer from a cardiac episode despite having normal levels of LDL cholesterol. Recent studies show that, in assessing cardiovascular risk, it is recommendable to measure the size and concentration of LDL lipoprotein particles, not just look at the lipids they transport. In this regard, Liposcale is a paradigm shift in assessing cardiovascular risk.
More information is available in the press release.