Yesterday, this year’s TV3 telemarathon raised 6.010,366 Euros in its eighteenth edition, according to the information provided by the Foundation. This amount will be destined to promote minority diseases biomedical research projects. The amount is provisional since donations can be made until next 31st January 2010 via Internet and Servicaixa.
This year program was presented by the journalist Josep Cuní, from 10am to 1.30am, when the donations scoreboard showed the figure of 5.516.492 Euros. Over 3 million people followed La Marató of TV3 in some moment of the day, even though the maximum audience moment was at 9.45pm with 872,000 viewers.
The public call for the presentation of these pathologies’ biomedical research projects will be made next February 2010. The date will be announced through the media and the telemarathon’s website www.tv3.cat/marato.
Between 1992 and 2007, La Marató of TV3 has funded 515 research projects with over 75 million Euros, which means the second funding source of research in Catalonia only after the Sanitary Research Fund (FIS).