Neurotec Pharma wins Senén Vilaró award for best innovative company
Headed up by Dr. Marco Pugliese, this biotechnology firm is devoted to research into new products for therapeutic use in diseases of the central nervous system.

By Biocat
Biotechnology firm Neurotec Pharma, located in the Barcelona Science Park (PCB), has won the fifth edition of the Senén Vilaró award for the best innovative company, one of the four distinctions given out each year by the University of Barcelona (UB) Social Board and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation.
The company’s business model is based on reprofiling drugs, meaning that they develop new therapeutic applications for already existing drugs, from the preclinical phase through phase II clinical trials, with the aim of boosting their value and then transferring them to third parties through licensing and marketing agreements. According to Neurotec Pharma, drug reprofiling has a clear advantage: reduced development time and costs and lower regulatory risks, as they are existing drugs with valid preclinical safety and toxicology profiles.
In 2011, Neurotec Pharma began phase II clinical trials on an innovative oral drug to treat multiple sclerosis (NT-KO-003) with Advancell. They are also developing another drug to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with Bionure, PaloBiofarma, Natac and Advancell. The results of Neurotec research studies have led to two international patent applications.
Neurotec has received financial support from Inveready Seed Capital and Caixa Capital Risc and public funding from various programs through ACC1Ó (Government of Catalonia), the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), and the Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness (Innpacto program), among others.