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Next 21st of September it will take place the presentation of the program Talent Empresa 2010 call for grants. It has the objective of fostering technological innovation and entrepreneurial competitiveness for doctors and PhD candidates to join microcompanies, SMEs and technological centres with operations and R+D centres and activities in Catalonia. The event is organized by the Foundation Bosch i Gimpera, the Barcelona Science Park and Biocat.

There are two program modalities:

  • A: contract grants for PhD candidates from 3 to 4 years.
  • B: contract grants for doctors from 2 to 3 years.


16h – Welcome
16.15h – Enterprise Talent Program, Cristina Costa Leja, advisor, Program Research-Company of the Research Area of the Generalitat of Catalonia
17h – Presentation of business cases which have already recruited doctors or PhD candidates
17.30h – Wrap up and closure

Free registration (please confirm assistance to

Date: 21 September 2010
Time: 16h to 17.30h
Place: PCB • Cluster Building • Fèlix Serratosa Room • C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10 • Barcelona (Spain)


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