New editions of Ready4Growth and Healthcare Investment Forum in Barcelona
Noteworthy speakers at Ready4Growth include Dr. Martin Austin, a renowned expert in business development who appears in the Biocat directory of strategy advisors.

On 21 and 22 October, Barcelona Activa, Biocat and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation are co-organizing the ninth edition Ready4Growth Healthcare, a seminar that provides entrepreneurs with the tools and contacts they need to find funding, mainly through private investment.
The seminar is aimed at technology-intensive companies –in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical technology and healthcare IT fields– that have some level of development and good prospects for international growth. In order to participate, companies must first apply and, then, thirty companies will be selected to attend the seminar.
In addition to getting to know investors, their interests and the process they follow, selected entrepreneurs will also receive information about other financial products like specific aid for R&D&i or the bank financing products that offer the best conditions on the market.
Sessions and round tables will be held over the two days of the seminar, with participation from experts in financing and the healthcare sector from companies and organizations like AB Biotics, ACC1Ó, Advancell, Biocat, Caixa Capital Risc, Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, Genoma España, ICF Capital, IESE, Inveready, RCD Assessors legals, Sabir Medical and Salvat Biotech, among others.
The keynote speaker for this year’s seminar is Martin Austin, director general of TransformRx GMBH and expert in business development. He has led international projects in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields for clients from Switzerland, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, the United States and Denmark. In 2008 he published the book entitled Business Development for the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industry (Gower). He is included in the Biocat directory of strategy advisors.
Ready4Growth Healthcare will be led by Anna Molero, Managing Director of Barcelona Activa; Montserrat Vendrell, CEO of Biocat, and Carme Verdaguer, Managing Director of Bosch i Gimpera Foundation.
Application form (the completed form should be sent to
Date: 21 and 22 October 2010
Time: from 9 am to 5 pm
Place: Barcelona Nord Technology Park • C/ Marie Curie, 8-14 • Barcelona (Spain)
Barcelona Healthcare Investment Forum
The third Barcelona Healthcare Investment Forum, which will be held on 4 November, will focus again on young companies. Co-organized by the network of private investors Keiretsu Forum, the Barcelona Medical Association (COMB) and Barcelona Activa –with collaboration from Biocat and other organizations– this forum bring together early-stage companies with start-up, growth or expansion projects that are related to biotechnology, medical devices, healthcare services and information technology and need up to one million euros from potential investors.
The deadline for projects is 22 October, and is open to all types of companies (not just members of the COMB or promoting organizations).
Participation options:
- Project presentation (send completed form to
- Attendee
Date: 4 November 2010
Time: 4 pm
Place: COMB • Sala d'Actes • Pg. de la Bonanova, 47 • Barcelona (Spain)