Novartis invests €60 millions in Barcelona plant
El president de la multinacional farmacèutica a Espanya, Jesús Acebillo, confirma que aquest 2013 començaran a fabricar medicaments inhalats en les noves instal·lacions.

By Biocat
Novartis Group Spain has invested nearly €60 millions in their Barberà del Vallès (Barcelona) plant to manufacture inhalation capsules to treat respiratory diseases. The new 5,200-square-meter building that will house this production line and a 2,400-square-meter logistics storage facility have already been built and will soon go into operation. President of the group, Jesús Acebillo, gave this news and explained that this year the company will move into the first phase of the project by starting up three of the five production lines, and will manufacture between six and seven million units per year (total capacity will be 36 million units).
The new facilities will generate 70 new jobs. In 2012, this plant had a total staff of 526 workers, and in Spain the group employs nearly 3,000 people.
The Barberà plant is one of the strategic facilities of the pharmaceutical division of Novartis on a global level. It is also considered one of the main facilities in Spain in terms of volume for solid-state drugs (pills, tablets and capsules), producing 170 million packs in 2012, 86% of which were exported to 120 countries.
Novartis Spain is based in Barcelona and has four additional production centers in Catalonia: penicillin and macrolide plants (Sandoz Industrial Products) in Franqueses del Vallès, a sterile-products plant (Sandoz Industrial Products) in Palafolls and a plant producing ophthalmological products (Alcon Spain) in El Masnou.