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By Biocat

Programmed cell death (PCD) plays a key role in plant health, with the resulting socioeconomic impact. PCD research is a relatively new field and will bring more pest-resistant plants and, in the long term, higher-quality, longer-lasting fruit.

"We have to increase efforts in basic research to transform it into practical applications as soon as possible,” said Nuria Sánchez Coll and Marc Valls, researchers at the Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) and scientific leaders of the B·Debate scientific debates The death of plant cells: From proteases to field applications held in Barcelona from 2 to 4 October. More than 50 international experts participated in this event to debate the current state of research in this field and its future perspectives and impact on industry and agriculture.

According to predictions from the United Nations, the human population will have increased 13% in the next 15 years and, as a result, so will our food needs. In order to provide for the world population, we must find new ways to protect the most important food species from disease and maximize their yield.

More information on the B·Debate website.

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