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ACC1Ó and the Santa Catarina State Government will hold a business meeting on 2 December 2011 to raise awareness among Catalan companies and institutions from a variety of sectors of the opportunities available in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. The event will be presided over by the Governor of Santa Catarina and three of the region’s ministers.

Santa Catarina is a State in southern Brazil with a population similar to that of Catalonia (6.5 million inhabitants), a total surface area three times that of Catalonia and the sixth largest GDP in Brazil. With the highest Human Development Index in Brazil, apart from Brasilia, this State has a strong cultural and economic identity and a highly diversified economy with a strong business fabric made up of family-run SMEs. It also has a high export rate and a strong vocation in innovation and technology.

Sectors with opportunities:

  • Health and biomedicine: Santa Catarina has 215 hospitals and 415 health units. In order to drive the development and improvement of pharmaceutical products, preclinical tests and business incubation in the health arena, and with an expected investment of €2.5 millions, the 5,300-square-meter Preclinical Pharmacology Benchmark Center is being built in Florianópolis.
  • Agrifood: this sector accounts for 20% of the State’s GDP and 6.4% of that of Brazil as a whole. The state has a noteworthy agricultural sector (the top producers and exporters of onions, apples, rice, etc.) and meat industry (one of the main producers and exporters of chicken and pork), as well as a strong business integration model. In addition to numerous SMEs, Santa Catarina has five large corporations, three of which have turnover over US$ 6,000 millions. 
  • Energy 
  • Logistics and transport infrastructures 
  • Tourism 
  • Textiles 
  • Metals/mechanics and automotive components

Program and registration

Date: Friday, 2 December 2011
Time: 9 am to 2 pm
Place: Mediapro Imagina Building • Auditorium • Av. Diagonal, 177 • Barcelona

Questions: ACC1Ó (Adriana Benas) • Tel. +34 93 553 89 33 •

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