Submit your project to MIHealth Forum 2014 now
The ‘Call for Capsules’ is open through 13 March

MIHealth Forum 2014, the global benchmark congress that brings together professionals from the health sector in Barcelona, has opened its call for proposals for the innovation capsules section. All those interested in participating must fill out the registration form before 13 March.
The “Call for Capsules” is divided into three categories, the same ones that the program for this event is structured around: Knowledge, Technology and Organization. Proposals will be evaluated on their originality, technical quality, degree of validation and potential for positive impact on the health partner system. Selected ideas will participate in the congress and be finalists for the MIHealth Innovation Awards.
Members of the BioRegion are eligible for special advantages on registration for the congress thanks to the collaboration agreement between Biocat and Fira de Barcelona, which is organizing the MIHealth Forum.
The Forum’s Scientific Committee, presided over by CEO of Hospital Clínic Barcelona Josep Maria Piqué, is made up of 27 experts from the sector, including Vice-President of CataloniaBIO Clara Campàs, Deputy Director-General of Health Services for the Catalan Ministry of Health Josep Davins, Director of the Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia (AQUAS) Josep Maria Argimon, Director of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) Josep Samitier, and Biocat CEO Montserrat Vendrell.
Date: 21 and 22 May 2014
Place: Palau de Congressos de Barcelona (Av. Reina Maria Cristina, Montjuïc)
More information is available on the MIHealth Forum website.