Transplant Biotech, new Idibaps spin-off
The company specializes in innovative medical devices for organ transplants and metabolic, kidney and liver diseases

The August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (Idibaps) has established Transplant Biotech, a spin-off devoted to specific research for innovation in medical devices related with organ transplants and metabolic, kidney and liver diseases.
The company was created through the participation of one of its main researchers, Carmen Peralta, in the BioEmprenedorXXI program. BioEmprenedorXXI is an initiative of Biocat, Barcelona Activa and La Caixa that supports the creation of companies in the life sciences arena and has helped develop the business plan for this research project led by Josep Lluís Falcó.
Transplant Biotech was created in early March and is currently headed up by Carmen Peralta, specializing in therapeutic strategies for ischemia/reperfusion; Anna Novials, expert in diabetes; and Jordi Garcia, vascular biology researcher.
More information is available on the Idibaps website.