CienciArt initiative invites us to discover ‘hidden’ nature and science in the streets of Barcelona
<p>The scientific illustration course will run from September to December 2014</p>

Carles Puche, a scientific illustration specialist, and Francesca Llopis, a visual artist, will give the course entitled CienciArt: urban scientific illustration and which starts in Barcelona this September.
In cities too we can find nature and science; flora and fauna are hidden in streets that often go unnoticed. The CienciArt proposal aims to help students discover the nature that surrounds our cities and to enjoy drawing it.
CienciArt is divided into three semesters and the classes take place on the weekends. Three different techniques will be practiced during the course (pencil, ink and watercolor), but it will also include field trips where students will study the nature within our reach in the urban environment. Students will learn to interpret theses images and later transform them into drawings.
Those interested can register for the course via the CienciArt website.