AgeingFIT 2022
<p>Aesio Mutuelle, Santélys, Region Hatus-de-France, Nord le Département est là, MEL and Lille Grand Palais</p>
Eurasanté, France Silver Éco, Eurobiomed, Clubster NHL
AgeingFit is the first European event fostering innovation for well-being in older age, gathering all actors involved in the innovation cycle from research to market, along with the key players implicated in regulation and evaluation with the objective to identify tomorrow’s market needs and promote today’s innovative products and services for healthy ageing.
The event will bring together more than 600 participants from more than 25 countries. The program includes one-to-one meetings, conferences, pitch sessions and an exhibition.
Discounts for companies in the BioRegion:
If you are a company in the BioRegion, you can get a 15% discount using the code AF22BIOCAT0202 when registering.