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Biocat and Fundació GAEM

On October 15 2020, Biocat and the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, GAEM, organize We Want to Know VII: News on Multiple Sclerosis and other motor diseases, an online event where they will give voice to different associations of patients affected by locomotor diseases. The event will include presentations by experts in multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis, nutrition and neurostimulation.

Patients will talk about their role in innovation and Biocat will present the CRAASH Barcelona acceleration program.  Alfons Carnicero, CRAASH former participant, will show and talk about the robotic exoskeleton that his company ABLE Human Motion has developed.


  • 16:00h Welcome and presentation

  • 16:15h Presentations

    • Dr. Pablo Villoslada - Standford University - How to monitor MS to make therapeutic decisions

    • Dr. Josep Vergés - OAFI -How to Improve Osteoarthritis Through Empowering Patients: OAFI Model

    • Dr. Raúl Pelayo - Guttmann Institute - Non-invasive brain stimulation

    • Dra. Mireia Sospedra - University of Zurich - Nutrition in MS and other motor diseases

  • 18:00h PAUSE

  • 18:20h Round Table: Patients and innovation

    • With the associations: AVAN, OAFI, ECOM and GAEM

  • 19:15h Demonstration with Alfonso Carnicero - CRAASH Barcelona & ABLE: Robotic exoskeletons to walk again

  • 19:45h Conclusions

  • 20:00h End of the event

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