The Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Platforms will be celebrated in Barcelona

Barcelona will host the third Annual Conference Technological Platforms of Biomedical Research next 23rd and 24th of February. It is the reference meeting for all entities and professionals working in the research of medicines, nanomedicine and sanitary technologies in Spain.
The event is organized by the Spanish Technological Platform of Innovative Medicines, Nanomed Spain, the Spanish Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies, and the collaboration of Biocat, Farmaindustria, Fenin y IMIM Foundation. This year’s program has the challenge to foster private-public collaboration. To do this, on the 23 February, speakers will present the latest developments in Europe in the different platforms. Speakers include professor Christian Noe, president of the Scientific Committee of the Innovative Medicines Initiatives (IMI) platform, with a conference entitled Three Megatrends and their Impact on the Strategic Research Agenda of IMI; Joan Albert Vericat from Noscira, RoadMaps for 2020; and Manuel Desco, the new RETICS (23 February).
On the 24th of February, there will be presentations on the more recent public-private cooperation initiatives in biomedical research which are already being implemented in Spain and also abroad. Some will be related to clinical research in initial phases. For example, Dr. Ramon Salazar from the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) will speak about the initial phases in oncology. Other presentations include CENIT projects, highlighting CENIT-Neogenius Pharma linked to Catalan pharmaceutical companies Admiral, Esteve and Palau Pharma. Regarding international initiatives, there will be a presentation of the IMI-Protect, a project for the modernization of the European pharmacovigilance, Euronanomed and i-Surgitec.
The event will be opened by the Catalan counselor of Health, Marina Geli; the general director of the CDTI, Maurici Lucena; the president of Farmaindustria, Jesús Acebillo; the general secretary of Fenin, Margarita Alfonsel, and the president of the Biocat Executive Committee, Manel Balcells.
Registration (Deadline: 16th February 2010)
Date: 23rd and 24th February 2010
Place: Hotel Skipper • Sala Plenària • C/ Litoral, 10 • Barcelona (Spain)