Biocat to hold workshop ‘The role of platforms and facilities in translational research' in Barcelona

By Biocat
Debating the origins, present state and challenges for the future of technology platforms in translational research, business models and strategies, and assessing complementarities offered by Contract Research Organizations (CRO) and private infrastructures. This is the aim of the technical workshop Biocat is holding on 22 May 2012 at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB).
The workshop will be inaugurated by PCB Scientific Director Dr. Jesús Purroy and Biocat Director of Innovation Dr. Marta Príncep. Then, Dr. Filippa Kull, director of Business Development at the Stockholm Science City Foundation, will give a conference entitled The origin, present and future of platforms.
Afterwards, the debates will focus on the perspectives of a hospital, with Dr. Julio Cortijo, manager of the Valencia University General Hospital Research Foundation, and Dr. Elena Serrano, head of Scientific/Technological Platforms at the Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau Research Institute; of a science park, with Dr. Jesús Purroy; of a research center, with Mr. Óscar David Sánchez, Project and Valorization manager at the Prince Felipe Research Center in Valencia (CIPF); of a private scientific/technical service provider, with Mr. Joan Puig de Dou, strategic general manager of Kymos Pharma Services; and of a university, with Dr. Concha Ginestar, Platform coordinator at VLC Campus, and Dr. Martí Yebras, coordinator of the Rovira i Virgili University Center for Omic Sciences (COS-URV).
The event is geared towards scientific and technical services and platform managers in the public and private arenas, companies and other users of these services, and professionals in the public administration.
With the aim of identifying synergies between Catalonia and Valencia, the workshop will be held under the framework of Interbio, a project for collaboration among five European regions (Bordeaux, Catalonia, Lisbon, Toulouse and Valencia). Biocat is coordinating Catalan representation, in collaboration with a scientific committee of representatives from the PCB, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the UAB Research Park.
The workshop will be given in English.
Date: Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Time: 10:30 am to 2:15 pm (open session) / 2:30 to 6 pm (closed session for Interbio project representatives)
Venue: Barcelona Science Park (PCB) • Antoni Caparrós Auditorium • C/ Baldiri Reixach, 4 (Tower D) • Barcelona (map)
Registration closed.
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