Bizbarcelona 2015 to feature 2 new areas: Bizemprèn and Bizpimes
<p>The fair will be held on 1 and 2 July at the Fira de Barcelona Montjuïc fairgrounds</p>

On 1 and 2 July, Barcelona’s Montjuïc fairgrounds will host BizBarcelona 2015, the fair for entrepreneurs, freelance workers and SMEs held each year by Fira de Barcelona and the Barcelona City Council.
This is the fifth edition of the fair and, for the first time, it will feature two new areas: Bizemprèn, focusing on entrepreneurs, and BizSMEs, for growing companies.
Bizemprèn aims to gather all sorts of tools, services and activities of use to those who want to put their business ideas into practice or are looking for ways to generate their own employment. This area is broken into three phases of a project: vision, passion and execution.
BizSMEs is the result of a collaboration deal signed with PIMEC, which has joined the team promoting BizBarcelona. This area seeks to better address the needs that consolidated small and medium-sized companies may have in areas like e-solutions, internationalization and business management.
The fair also features other themed areas like Bizexporta, with advice for companies that want to export, customized solutions and information on how to enter specific international markets.
Finally, Bizbarcelona also includes activities of interest to entrepreneurs, SMEs and freelance workers alike, like speed dating, information on business transfers and franchises, and the financing market, in addition to the commercial offering of exhibitors presenting specific products and services.
The latest edition of the fair welcomed more than 12,320 visitors and 100 exhibiting companies; more than 330 speakers shared their knowledge; there were 178 conferences and 500 business advisory sessions; 1,780 contacts were made in the financing market and 3,130 participants took advantage of the networking and cooperation contacts.
Members of the BioRegion get 30% off registration for the Financing Market with code WN33LG2Z. The deadline to submit proposals is 29 June.