Call for 2017 B·Debate proposals now open
<p>This initiative of Biocat and the “la Caixa” Foundation promotes top-notch international scientific gatherings to foster debate and the exchange of knowledge </p>

From 2 June to 29 July 2016, renowned scientists and experts working in the field of the life sciences at research organizations in Catalonia are invited to submit proposals for the upcoming year's B·Debate program. The B·Debate scientific committee will assess the scientific excellence of each proposal submitted and, according to the established selection criteria, will choose between 8 and 10 for the 2017 program. Both the potential scientific impact and social interest of the debates proposed will be taken into account.
The activities that make up the B·Debate yearly program of activities must reflect the center's mission, vision and values. The activities selected must stand out in terms of the advanced themes and scientific areas they deal with, as well as featuring a high level of involvement of foreign and local expert speakers. Moreover, the selection will take into account transversal activities included to support research, as well as the dissemination of the debate conclusions.
B·Debate, an initiative of Biocat and the “la Caixa” Foundation, aims to promote top-notch international scientific gatherings to foster debate, collaboration and the open exchange of ideas and knowledge among experts and organizations of renowned national and international prestige. For each activity, B·Debate collaborates with a partner in charge of the scientific direction.
Since its launch in 2009, B·Debate has organized more than 50 activities in collaboration with 200 research centers, featuring more than 1,200 speakers and 7,200 participants.
> The rules for the 2017 B·Debate call are available here
2016 B·Debate Program
The first session on the 2016 program of debates took place in April and dealt with therapeutic resistance to cancer. The second debate will take place later this month, focusing on the human microbiome. The other sessions, focusing on blindness, epigenetics, proteostasis, artificial intelligence and much more, will take place in the second half of the year.
A synopsis is available online for each of the sessions, covering the main topics of debate.