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By Biocat

The Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) has had to cut back on its instruments to finance business R&D&i projects, reducing both the maximum percentage to be subsidized per project (which in the case of international projects may not exceed 23%) and the non-reimbursable portion for SMEs, which has gone up to 15% from 5%.

The CDTI is applying the following changes to its financing instruments and aid:

  • Individual projects: companies must submit a project with a budget of at least €200,000 (previously €240,000).
  • National cooperation projects: beneficiaries of this aid must be Economic Interest Groups (AIE) or consortia regulated by a private collaboration agreement and must submit a project with a budget of at least €500,000.
  • International cooperation projects: beneficiaries of this aid must be either individual companies or Economic Interest Groups (AIE) or private consortia with a budget of at least €500,000. The minimum budget per company is €200,000 (previously €240,000).

Regarding financing conditions:

  • The funding method for the projects will be partially reimbursable grants, covering up to 60% of the total approved budget. When the technology fund is available, this amount will be up to a maximum of 75%.
  • The non-reimbursable portion (TNR) can add up to a total per project of 25% in large companies and 33% in SMEs.

In the case of subcontracting to research entities above 10%, the non-reimbursable portion for large companies will go from 6% to 10%. For SMEs it remains at 10%.

Funding for the CDTI, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, has suffered a cutback of 78% in the National budget for 2012 (non-financial budget), necessitating these extraordinary measures.

Related news: New CDTI aid for biotechnology projects between Spain and India (7/6/2012)

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