CNAG to promote new genome sequencing and analysis techniques among CERCA centers
Genome research is key to the competitive development of sectors like biomedicine, agriculture, food biotechnology, renewable energy and environmental bioengineering.
By Biocat
The National Center for Genome Analysis (CNAG) —based in the Barcelona Science Park (PCB)— has signed a collaboration agreement with the Institute for Research Centers of Catalonia (CERCA) to promote access to various resources offered by the CNAG in the field of genome sequencing and analysis.
Both institutions seek to promote, from a collaborative perspective, the development of genome research in Catalonia, consortium participation in competitive large-scale genome projects, dissemination of scientific breakthroughs, and the promotion of innovation and transfer of knowledge and technology.
The CNAG has the second largest sequencing capacity in Europe, with 12 latest generation sequencers that can sequence the equivalent of six human genomes per day.
The CNAG will provide CERCA centers access to its scientific and technological services, data preprocessing systems and laboratory equipment; will provide advisory services in sequencing technology, as well as consulting offices and technical assistance in the preparation and implementation of new projects; will house research staff in its facilities for training and collaborative research purposes, and will offer the opportunity of consortium participation in competitive projects and joint actions for the provision of services to third parties.
The center, led by Dr. Ivo Gut, has a staff of 40 highly qualified individuals (50% of the staff holds a PhD), and is equipped with 12 latest generation sequencing systems, which has enabled the center to obtain a sequencing capacity of up to 600 Gbases/day. The sequencing projects this center works on cover areas as diverse as cancer genetics, rare diseases, host-pathogen interactions, the preservation of endangered species, evolutionary studies and the improvement of species of agricultural interest. The CNAG is currently participating in 13 research projects financed through competitive funding, mostly from Europe, and initiated collaborations with more than thirty institutions, both in the public and private sectors, in 2011.