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The Spanish Federation of Biotechnologists (FEBiotec) has developed the first online biotech training and dissemination platform in Spanish, through the Symbiotica project.

This platform was created under the FEBiotec Divulga program to bridge the gap between biotechnology and society and to raise awareness among 16 and 17 year olds of the history, breakthroughs and new research that is revolutionizing this discipline. Moreover, its implementation coincides with the Year of Biotechnology in Spain.

The federation has also developed an educational guide entitled Y tú, ¿eres Biotecnólogo? (And you? Are you a Biotechnologist?) to complement the existing Biotechnofarm program, geared towards raising awareness of the field among secondary-school students. María José Conde, president of FEBiotec, explains that “it is a fun yet educational introduction to the daily life of a biotechnologist, between the laboratory and business.” In this guide, ten biotechnologists explain their professional and educational background while giving advice to these young people.

Development of the ‘Symbiotica’ virtual platform and creation of the Guia Educativa sobre Biotecnologia (Educational Guide on Biotechnology) make this organization one of the most dynamic of its kind around the world. This is made possible through funding from the Amgen Foundation and the Kink Baudouin Foundation in the United States. 

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