Ferran Sancho chosen new Rector of the UAB
Previously he held the posts of Vice Rector for Research, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, and Coordinator of the PhD programs, all at the UAB.
By Biocat
Professor of Fundamentals of Economic Analysis Ferran Sancho (Barcelona, 1953) was chosen the new Rector of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in the second round run-off of the elections held on 31 May.
Sancho received 55.53% of the votes and the other candidate, Professor of Theory and History of Education Pere Solà, 44.47%.
Turnout in these elections was high: tenure-track professors with permanent ties to the University, 73.07%; academic and research personnel with teaching posts, 29.32%; undergraduate and postgraduate students, 15.21%; and administrative and service staff, 62.36%.
Ferran Sancho won the vote of academic and research personnel, while Pere Solà was the most voted candidate among students and administrative and service staff.
These results are preliminary and the definitive announcement will be made on 5 June.
For more information, visit the UAB website.