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In the last four editions of the Healthcare Barcelona Investment Forum 10 business transactions have been closed for an approximate value of 5.5 million Euros. With this positive balance, the Barcelona Medical Association (COMB), Keiretsu Fòrum, Barcelona Activa and Biocat co-organize the fifth meeting between companies and investors interested in the health sector, next 3rd of November at COMB’s conference room.

Companies’ participation

The call for projects is open to all companies (not only to members of the professional association or associated to its promoting entities) and teams with innovative projects on business development in the health sector: biotechnology, medical devices, healthcares and information technologies related with health.

A committee, which will be formed by members of the promoting entities and sector experts, will vote the best 8-10 projects, which will be shown during the Healthcare Barcelona Investment Forum, presented by their entrepreneurs to investors and other attendees.

The companies chosen to present the projects during the Forum do not have to pay any tax nor fee for the presentation, for the project success, not for new capital raised.

To present a project it is necessary to fill in this form and send it to (until 18th October 2011).

Investors’ participation

The investors interested in attending the Healthcare Barcelona Investment Forum need to confirm their assistance.

Apart from companies presenting their projects and investors, the event is open to all sector professionals. To take part in it as a public it is necessary to register.

Date: 3 November 2011
Time: 4:00 pm
Place: COMB • Conference room • Pg. de la Bonanova, 47 • Barcelona (Spain)

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