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Opinno, the global open innovation network which connects entrepreneurs, technology specialists and investors with the aim of speeding up companies’ projects, organizes the first edition of Opinno Biotech Competition in Spain. Opinno has offices in San Francisco, Boston, Chicago and Madrid and is partner of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Opinno Biotech Competition is addressed to start-ups, under 5 years old, working groups and entrepreneurs developing research in any of the areas of application of biotechnology (industrial, sanitary, agroalimentary or marine) and interested in transferring those advances to the business area. The competition offers the participants an opportunity of getting in contact with an international network of business experts, scientists and entrepreneurs of reference as well as qualified investors. The project presentation deadline finishes on 28th July.

The organization will select those works which develop new technologies or new applications related to existing technologies and that represent an advance in biotechnology.

The award ceremony and the projects’ presentation of the five finalist companies will take place within the Emergent Technologies Conference of MIT (EmTech) in Málaga (Spain) next 26th and 27th October 2011.

The event is sponsored by Genoma España and Zeltia Observatory in collaboration with the Spanish Bioindustry Association (Asebio).

For further information please contact: Ms Cecilia Gómez:

Related information:

  • Vídeo de Pedro Moneo, founder of Opinno, explaining the four ideas or capacities he considers basic "to accelerate a company". Source: Infonomia
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