Joan Guinovart wins Gaudí-Gresol Award
<p>The awards are promoted by the Gresol Foundation and the Reus City Council </p>

Dr. Joan Guinovart, professor in the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Barcelona (UB) and founder and director of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona (IRB Barcelona), has been recognized with the IX Gaudí-Gresol Award in science.
The Gresol Foundation and the Reus City Council sponsor these awards to recognize the merits and dedication of individuals with outstanding personal and professional paths in a range of fields.
Dr. Guinovart’s research focuses on glycogen metabolism and neurodegenerative diseases like Lafora.
Businessman Víctor Grífols, former president of Laboratoris Grifols, was also recognized in the business category.
The awards ceremony was held on 11 June in the Antoni Gaudí auditorium at Fira de Reus. It included a fundraising dinner, featuring noteworthy representatives from the world of business and civil society. The funds raised will go towards the ELIKYA center for underprivileged children in the Congo, headed up by Reus missionary Maria Isabel Correig, who won the Gaudí-Gresol Award for solidarity.
The Gresol Foundation was created as a place to share ideas and strengthen ties among businesspeople in the area. It now has more than one hundred and fifty members from the most important firms in the region.