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By Biocat

This evening at CosmoCaixa Barcelona, there will be a homage to chemist and humanist Juan Julio Bonet Sugrañes (Barcelona, 1940-2006), an act which will be the first Memorial lecture Juan Julio Bonet and which will inaugurate the Chemistry Imagined exhibition. In line with Professor Bonet philosophy of integrating science and culture, this exhibition is based on a work of Nobel Prize in Chemistry Roald Hoffmann, a personal friend of Bonet. It consists of outreach texts written by the chemist itself and that in hands of the artist Vivian Torrence become collages. Hoffmann and Torrence will explain their project around science and art to the public.

The event is organized by Gregori Valencia (IQAC-CSIC), Gemma Arsequell (IQAC-CSIC), Jordi Quintana (PCB-UB) and Santiago Alvarez (School of Chemistry, UB), with the support of B·Debate and "la Caixa" Foundation.

The welcome ceremony will count with the participation of Montserrat Vendrell, CEO of Biocat, among other personalities related to the memorial.

A Close relation with Barcelona’s IQS

Juan Julio Bonet Sugrañes was a chemical engineer from the Sarrià’s Chemical Institute (IQS) and doctor of technical sciences by the Federal Technical School (ETH) in Zurich. He joined the IQS in 1965 as professor of natural products and founded the Laboratory of Steroids. From 1977 to 1986 was director of the Department of Chemistry and Deputy Director of the Institute. During his almost 21 years of teaching at IQS, he led 17 theses, 143 papers and two final year thesis projects. In 1986 he left the IQS and continued his career in the chemical industry, specifically, at the Wassermann Laboratory. In 1988 he was appointed Director of Technology Transfer at the Institute for Research and Technology (IRTA). He is the author of Viaje al reino de Saturno (Journey to the Kingdom of Saturn), a round-trip travel from the origins of modern chemistry (Editorial Nivola).

Date: 5 June 2012
Time: 6 pm
Venue: Cosmocaixa Barcelona • Auditorium • C/ Isaac Newton, 26 • Barcelona (Spain)

Organizer:                       With the support of:      


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