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On 30 November, the Barcelona Medical Association (CoMB), Barcelona Activa, Biocat and ESADE BAN held the 20th Healthcare Investment Forum to bring investors together with entrepreneurs and start-ups with innovative projects in the healthcare sector. Specifically, 32 companies submitted their projects to this edition, 9 of which were selected to pitch to the investors: Sagetis BiotechOncokids BiosciencesGoodGut, ADmit Therapeutics, MolomicsTBIOMCreatSens HealthConquerX and Vaxdyn. These companies are looking for between €300,000 and €5.6 millions.

Since it was created in 2009, the Healthcare Investment Forum has consolidated its place as a benchmark event in the Catalan biomedical ecosystem, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. Since the first edition, more than 560 companies have sought funding through the Healthcare Investment Forums, 179 of which have pitched their projects to the community of investors.

The companies that have participated in the forums have raised, directly or indirectly, a sum total of €40 millions. As well as the largest round of funding ever closed by a Catalan biotech company Minoryx Therapeutics (which participated in the Forum in 2012) with €19.4 millions in 2015.

The event featured a video with the success stories of 4 entrepreneurs that have closed significant rounds of funding after participating in the Forum: IproteosMind the BytePeptomyc and Cebiotex.

The 20th Healthcare Investment Forum featured representatives from the sector and the business arena, including Albert Barberà, president of the Biocat Delegate Commission and Catalonia’s director general for Research and Innovation in Health; Lluís Pareras, director of Healthequity and head of Innovation at CoMB; Lorenzo Di Pietro, executive director of Entrepreneurship, Enterprise and Innovation at Barcelona Activa; Fernando Zallo, director of ESADE BAN; Joan Carles Rovira, general manager of ICF; and Marc Martinell, CEO of Minoryx Therapeutics.

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