Third Symposium of Biotechnologists of Catalonia, at University of Vic
This event, on 23 and 24 March, will focus on the jobs available to biotechnology students and junior professionals.

By Biocat
The Association of Biotechnologists of Catalonia (ASBTEC) will hold their yearly symposium on 23 and 24 March 2012 at the University of Vic (UVic), where biotechnology students and junior professionals can share, interact and network for future collaborations.
This year’s symposium will begin with a roundtable on the professional options available in biotechnology, featuring professionals from the sector who will explain their professional careers, including Albert Jané, CEO of Phyture Biotech; Albert Mascarell, CEO of aScidea; Alba Gómez, from the Sales Department at LabClinics; Daniel Fernández, sales representative at Eli Lilly; Delia Zafra, technology transfer at IRB Barcelona; and Maria Ortega, head of the Business Unit at Trifermed.
The event will also include a training workshop on teamwork and group management, given by Judit Alonso, coaching expert and social trainer, and Cinta Diez, secretary general of ASBTEC; and a workshop on active communication with Ángela Bernardo, president of the Spanish Federation of Biotechnologists (Febiotec) and Andrea Guiu, Febiotec press officer.
Registration (deadline 18/3/2012)
For more information: ASBTEC (Alba Olivares) •
Date: 23 and 24 March 2012
Venue: UVic • Central campus • C/ Sagrada Família, 13 • Vic (Barcelona, Spain)
On the Biocat website you will find job offers in the biotechnology sector in Catalonia, a section on university degree programs in the life sciences and more than sixty of the most in-demand professional profiles.