Wiborg and Trifermed offer in Barcelona the intensive course 'Valuation, Deal Structuring, Negotiation'
For business developers and executives in life science.

By Biocat
Assessment, planning and negotiation are key elements to obtain license agreements in the life sciences field. The international consultants Wiborg and Trifermed present the intensive course Valuation Deal Structuring Negotiation, which will be held the coming 5 and 6 November 2012 at the Barcelona Science Park. The course is aimed at business development managers, entrepreneurs, marketing executives and finance directors, as well as CEOs involved in agreements’ and alliances’ preparation, negotiation or approval.
The course includes theory, negotiation case studies and discussion of experiences in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. The course will be given by Sergi Trilla , Trifermed President and CEO; Ole Wiborg
, CEO at Wiborg, and Jens Aakersoe
, Licensing Director of Novo Nordisk. The course will be held in English.
To register please send an email to: Wiborg (Michelle Toki Jensen) • mtj@wiborg.com
Course fees (include a networking dinner):
- €1,350 (before 7th September 2012)
- €1,475 (after 7th September 2012)
Special BioRegion of Catalonia members discount of 25%.
Soren Weis Dahl (Senior Consultant)
Tel. +45 4260 5260
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