‘Women and Science’, at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute
Margarita Salas, a driving force for research in molecular biology in Spain, will inaugurate this series of lectures at the VHIR in Barcelona.

By Biocat
Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) will hold the first edition of its Women and Science series in Barcelona from 9 through 29 March 2012. The opening conference, on 9 March, will be given by Dr. Margarita Salas —disciple of Nobel Laureate in Medicine Severo Ochoa— who will share her intense career in science, numerous recognitions, and the obstacles she has overcome. Salas is currently a professor Ad Honorem at the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Center (CSIC and Autonomous University of Madrid), where she continues to work with the phi29 bacteriophage virus.
The second session is a roundtable entitled Opportunities and challenges, which will take place on 15 March, featuring experts from various arenas like François Arcand, a recognized bioentrepreneur with international experience; Dr. Edurne Berra, who leads a research group at CICbioGUNE in the Technology Park of Bizcaya; Dr. Fabienne Hermitte, co-founder of Ipsogen; and Dr. Montserrat Vendrell, CEO of Biocat. Dr. Anna Meseguer, head of the VHIR kidney physiopathology group and advisor to the director for clinical research, will moderate. EVENT CANCELLED.
The third session, on 22 March, will be a coaching workshop conducted by Yellow Window Consultants, accredited and co-financed by the European Commission. Space is limited in this one-day workshop geared towards research personnel at the VHIR and other research centers.
The series will finish on 29 March with a conference by Dr. Carmen Vela, a renowned researcher and scientific entrepreneur, who has recently been appointed Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation.
The VHIR is a research center created in 1994 that is part of the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (HUVH) and associated with the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).