Pedro is a scientist by training and very passionate about health innovation. He currently takes point on Biocat’s relations with startups and technology transfer projects at research centers, hospitals and universities, providing support and guidance through various programs and tools, including the Invest BioRegion Portal. During his career, he has worked in various fields of chemistry and biomedicine, with research groups, companies and startups, and has launched several of his own entrepreneurial projects.
Plus, Pedro has a wide academic background, with an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry, a master’s in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and a PhD in Biomedicine from the UB-CSIC. He also completed the d·HEALTH Barcelona Health Innovation and Entrepreneurship postgraduate program from Moebio-Biocat and an online Global MBA. He is very skilled in acting as a liaison between researchers and innovation stakeholders, searching for new ideas and business opportunities in the healthcare sector. His goal is to connect, innovate and promote scientific/technological solutions and transfer them to society to transform health, patients’ lives and society.
He loves the mountains, barbecues, creating experiences with friends and family, and adventure sports, padel tennis and diving.