Biocat, laying the path from university to business
Dr. Montserrat Vendrell sponsors 2010-2011 class of biotechnologists in Lleida.

Biocat CEO Montserrat Vendrell led the diploma presentation ceremony as the sponsor of the third class of biotechnology graduates from the University of Lleida (UdL). The event was held on Friday 9 September on the School of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering (ETSEA) campus.
The third class of biotechnology graduates from the UdL is made up of 28 graduates (17 young men and 11 young women). Of these, 72% are from Catalonia, 14% from Andalusia and 14% from Castilla.
As Director of Studies Dr. Joan Fibla told Biocat, “the biotechnology degree is the second most popular after medicine and is tied with that in biomedicine.” The UdL currently has 40 spots for first-year students, but received 75 requests. The mark required for acceptance into the program is 9.756.
Previous biotechnology graduating classes were sponsored by Minister of Science and Innovation Cristina Garmendia (2009-2010) and CEO of Laboratoris Esteve Antoni Esteve (2008-2009).
Internship center on the Biocat website
Internships and work experience programs are one of the main channels of contact between universities and companies, research centers and other support bodies for the biotechnology, biomedicine and medical technology sector that allow new generations of researchers access to the workforce and the opportunity to contribute their knowledge and talent there.
UdL biotechnology students mainly carry out their internships at the Gardeny Science and Technology Park, the Institute for Biomedical Research, with medical research groups and at the ETSEA, in Lleida; they also work as interns at the Barcelona Science Park and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Dr. Fibla explains that between 35% and 40% opt for European universities, through the Erasmus program.
In order to improve mobility of Catalan university students to companies and organizations in the BioRegion of Catalonia, a few months ago, Biocat, in collaboration with the universities, started up a section on their website featuring a map of educational centers and contacts in charge of managing biosciences internships.
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Driving professionals in the sector, Biocat Director of Innovation Dr. Marta Príncep.